We hit the ground running on Monday...Greg back to "the Blight" and me doing office work, trying hard to sell some paintings, and wearing my property manager hat for the summer cottage business. Tuesday found us both at "the Blight" continuing to demo the second floor. . I took my drill and my crowbar and hammer and went at it pretty hard on the last remaining interior walls, and I finally got the whole space opened up into one big room! A milestone!
This photo shows the last of the cardboard covered wall. I spent two days taking down the shelves here that had at least two pounds of 3"screws holding them to the wall. But then the wall came down pretty easily after that!

Greg doing the respirator happy dance now that all the walls are down!
full on view of the whole space. It's just so big! 1250 square feet per floor.
Greg has spent the last two days taking down the wooden walls in the front of the second floor.
All I can say after pounding down walls and putting up support beams and throwing old debris out the window into the dumpster is....ouch.
There is a lot of satisfaction watching the dumpster loads go away! Sorry about that pesky finger in the photo below.
I totally get kid's fascination with trucks, I had to stop work and come out to watch the unloading of number 4, which was totally cool to watch as the driver expertly placed the big metal trash can without hitting the building.
Boom, smack down in place, ready to fill! I watched as some guy started to walk off with my blue barrel filled with scrap metal. When he saw me, he asked if he could have it and I gave him an emphatic "NO" through my respirator. He said he needed one and thought he would just take ours. I bet it is gone today when we get to the building.
Just to follow up on a previous post about the previous owner leaving the building, these are photos of the first glimpses of the barn without all the stuff. Raw restaurant space for downtown Belfast, anyone??
These photos remind me of my first encounters with David Carlson and my tour of the 3Tides building before it was ever their home or the bar....only our space looks a bit rougher....just a bit though.
I actually love this wall
i like the restaurant idea in the barn ...Long Grain 2.0?
I like the Vet Clinic idea
by the time its ready we might be ready to take you up
And yes, the blue barrel was gone when I got back to the Blight yesterday.
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